Seamless Payments in Your React App: Implementing Stripe Integration

In today’s digital landscape, a smooth and secure payment experience is crucial for any web
application. Stripe, a leading payment gateway, simplifies the process of accepting online
payments. This blog post guides you through integrating Stripe payments into your React
application, empowering you to accept credit card payments with ease.


  • AReactproject set up.
  • AStripe account (you can create a free test account).

Steps to Integration:

  • Install Stripe.js:
    Begin by installing the Stripe.js library using npm or yarn:
 In terminal
 npm install @stripe/stripe-js @stripe/react-stripe-js
  • Obtain Your Stripe Keys:
    Log in to your Stripe dashboard and navigate to the “Developers” section. Obtain your Publishable key (used for client-side integration) and your Secret key (used for server-side communication– keep this secret!).
  • Create the Payment Form Component:
    Create a React component to handle the payment form and user interaction:
 import React, { useState } from 'react';
 import { Elements, CardElement, useStripe, useElements } from

Replace with your publishable key
 const PaymentForm = () => {
    const [cardError, setCardError] = useState(null);
    const stripe = useStripe();
    const elements = useElements();

    const handleSubmit = async (event) => {

      if (!stripe || !elements) {
      // Stripe.js has not loaded yet. Make sure to disable submit
button while loading
      const result=await
  • ThiscodesnippetcreatesaPaymentFormcomponent.
  • ItutilizestheElementsandCardElementcomponentsfrom@stripe/react-stripe-jsto
    renderthepayment form.
  • ThehandleSubmit functionistriggeredwhentheformissubmitted.
  • Itusesthestripe.confirmCardPaymentmethodtoprocessthepaymentontheStripe
  • Errorhandlingisincludedtodisplayanyissuesencounteredduringpaymentprocessing
  • WrapYourAppwithElements:
    WrapyourmainapplicationcomponentwiththeElementscomponent from
  • Set Up aBackend Endpoint (Optional):
    While Stripe.js handles client-side communication, you might want a backend server to
    receive payment confirmation and manage your application’s logic. You can create a
    server-side endpoint using Node.js, Express, and the Stripe Node.js library to handle the
    • Receiving the payment confirmation from Stripe.js.
    • Communicating with the Stripe API using your Secret key.
    • Validating the payment and updating your application’s data accordingly.


Beyond the Screen: Dive into VR Development with React 360

  • React360(
    React 360 is the correct library you’d want to use for creating virtual reality experiences using the React framework and JavaScript. Here’s a breakdown of its capabilities:

What is React 360?

  • Alibrary built on top of React that simplifies the development of VR applications.
  • Leverages React’s component-based approach and declarative style for intuitive VR app creation.
  • Integrates with Three.js, a popular WebGL library, for 3D rendering and manipulation within VR experiences.
  • Supports various VR platforms like Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and WebVR-compatible browsers.

Key Features of React 360:

  • Component-based Architecture: Break down VR scenes into reusable components,
    making development efficient and maintainable.
  • Declarative Style: Describe desired VR elements and their behavior, resulting in clean and readable code.
  • Integration with Three.js: Leverage Three.js’s extensive 3D capabilities for building
    sophisticated visuals and interactions in your VR app.
  • Cross-platform Support: Target a wide range of VR platforms with a single codebase,
    reducing development effort.

Getting Started with React 360:

  • Installation: Use npm or yarn to install the library and its dependencies:
 In terminl
 npm install react-360 react-dom @react-360/vr-web
  • Project Setup: Create a new React 360 project using the CLI:
  • Basic VR App: Edit index.js in your project to create a simple VR scene:
  • Runthe App: Start the development server to launch your VR app:
 In terminl
 npm start

This creates a basic VR environment with a centered text message. You’ll need a VR headset or
a WebVR-compatible browser to experience it fully.

Additional Resources:

Level Up Your App: QR Code Power in React Native

Hey everyone, and welcome back to the channel! Today, we’re diving into the world of QR
codes and React Native. We’ll learn how to generate QR codes dynamically within your apps
and even share them directly with users- all the power packed into a convenient little square.

WhyQRCodesinReact Native Apps?

(Show various uses of QR codes on phones)
QRcodes, those ubiquitous black-and-white squares, are more than just relics of the past. They
offer a fantastic way to bridge the gap between the physical and digital world. In React Native
apps, QR codes can:

Seamlessly Share Data: Embed website URLs, contact information, or even product details
within a QR code. Users can access this information with a quick scan using their phone’s
WorkOffline: Unlike online links, QR codes don’t require an internet connection to be
scanned. Perfect for situations where connectivity might be limited.
EnhanceUser Experience: QR codes can streamline interactions. Imagine directing users
to specific app sections or providing access to additional resources with a simple scan.

Getting Started (Library Installation)

(Show command prompt with library installation)
To get started, we’ll be using the awesome react-native-qrcode-svg library. Let’s jump into your
terminal and install it using npm or yarn:

 In terminal
 npm install react-native-qrcode-svg

Generating a QR Code (Code Example)

(Show code editor with explanations)
Now, let’s get coding! Here’s how to generate a QR code:

  1. Import the QRCode component from react-native-qrcode-svg.
  2. Provide the data you want to encode within the value prop. This could be a website URL,
    text, or any data you want users to access.
  3. Customize the look of your QR code using props like size, color, and backgroundColor.

Here’s some code to illustrate this:

This code generates a QR code encoding the provided website URL. Play around with the size
and colors to match your app’s design.

Sharing the QR Code Image

(Show phone screen sharing a QR code)
While react-native-qrcode-svg renders the QR code as an SVG component, we might want to
share it as an image. Here’s a basic approach using additional libraries:

  • Install react-native-fs and react-native-share
 In terminal
 npm install react-native-fs react-native-share
  • Import necessary components and functions.
  • Capture the rendered QR code as an image using react-native-svg’s built-in toDataURL
  • Savetheimagetotemporarystorageusingreact-native-fs.
  • Utilizereact-native-sharetosharethesavedimagewithotherapps.

ImportantNote:Thisisasimplifiedexample. Inareal-worldapp,you’llneedtohandleuser
interactions, temporaryfilemanagement,andpotentialerrorscenarios.


(Showcodeeditorwithadditional functionalities)
Here’saglimpseofhowthesharingfunctionalitymight look:

Exploring the Power of Laravel Filament: A Comprehensive Guide


In the vast landscape of web development frameworks, Laravel stands out as one of the most robust and versatile choices for building modern web applications. With its elegant syntax, expressive features, and active community, Laravel has become a go-to framework for developers worldwide. In its continuous quest to streamline development processes, Laravel has introduced Filament, a powerful admin panel generator that simplifies the creation and management of administrative interfaces. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of Laravel Filament, exploring its features, benefits, and how it empowers developers to build exceptional admin panels effortlessly.

What is Laravel Filament?

Laravel Filament is an open-source package developed by the Laravel community to facilitate the creation of administrative interfaces for web applications. Built on top of Laravel’s ecosystem, Filament provides developers with a clean, customizable, and feature-rich admin panel generator. It aims to streamline the development process by eliminating the need to write repetitive code for CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations and administrative tasks.

Key Features of Laravel Filament:

  1. User-friendly Interface:
    Filament offers an intuitive and visually appealing interface that simplifies navigation and enhances the user experience. Its clean design allows administrators to manage data effortlessly.
  2. Customizable Templates:
    Developers can customize the look and feel of their admin panels using pre-built templates or by creating their own. This flexibility ensures that the admin interface aligns with the application’s branding and requirements.
  3. Built-in CRUD Operations:
    Filament automates the generation of CRUD interfaces for managing database records. With just a few lines of code, developers can create, read, update, and delete records without writing boilerplate code manually.
  4. Role-based Access Control:
    Security is paramount in web applications, especially when it comes to administrative interfaces. Filament provides role-based access control, allowing administrators to define permissions for different user roles and restrict access to sensitive functionality.
  5. Extensible Architecture:
    Laravel Filament follows Laravel’s modular architecture, making it easy to extend and integrate with existing Laravel applications. Developers can leverage Laravel’s ecosystem of packages and libraries to enhance the functionality of their admin panels further.

Benefits of Using Laravel Filament:

  1. Rapid Development:
    By automating repetitive tasks and providing ready-to-use components, Filament accelerates the development process, allowing developers to focus on building core features of their applications.
  2. Consistency and Standardization:
    Filament promotes consistency in admin panel design and functionality across different projects. Developers can adhere to best practices and industry standards without reinventing the wheel.
  3. Reduced Maintenance Overhead:
    With Filament handling many aspects of admin panel development, maintenance becomes more manageable. Updates to the package ensure compatibility with the latest Laravel releases and security patches, minimizing the risk of vulnerabilities.
  4. Improved Collaboration:
    Filament’s clean codebase and documentation make it easier for developers to collaborate on projects. Teams can onboard new members quickly and work together efficiently, leading to faster project delivery.


Laravel Filament emerges as a valuable tool in the Laravel ecosystem, empowering developers to create elegant and functional admin panels with ease. Its user-friendly interface, customizable templates, and built-in features streamline the development process while promoting consistency and security. Whether you’re building a small-scale application or a large enterprise system, Laravel Filament offers the flexibility and scalability needed to meet your administrative interface requirements. By leveraging Filament’s power, developers can focus their efforts on building innovative features and delivering exceptional user experiences.

Level Up Your UI: Using SVG Icons in React Native

In the world of mobile app development, creating a visually appealing and intuitive user interface
(UI) is crucial. React Native, with its cross-platform capabilities, empowers you to build beautiful
apps. But wouldn’t it be great to have a flexible and scalable way to incorporate icons into your
UI? Enter SVG icons- a powerful solution for adding rich visuals to your React Native apps.

Why Use SVG Icons?

Scalability: SVG icons are vector-based, meaning they can be resized without losing quality,
ensuring crisp visuals on any screen resolution.
Flexibility: SVGs are XML code, allowing you to customize colors, shapes, and even add
animations to your icons.
Lightweight: Compared to raster images (like PNGs), SVGs are typically smaller in size,
contributing to a faster loading app experience.

Demo: Using a Simple SVG Icon in React Native

Let’s create a basic example to illustrate the power of SVG icons in React Native. We’ll use the
popular react-native-svg library to render a star icon.

1.Project Setup

  • Makesureyou have a React Native project set up.
  • Install the react-native-svg library using npm or yarn:
In terminal
npm install react-native-svg

2.Create an SVG Icon File

● Create a new file named StarIcon.svg in your project’s assets folder.
● Pastethe following SVG code into the file:

● Import the SvgUri component from react-native-svg.
● UseSvgUri to render the icon, specifying the path to your SVG file and customizing its size
and color with props.

Here’s an example component demonstrating this:

Beyond the Basics

The power of SVGs goes beyond simple icons. You can create complex shapes, animations,
and even integrate them with other UI components for a richer user experience. Explore the
react-native-svg documentation for more advanced techniques.


By incorporating SVG icons into your React Native projects, you can elevate your app’s UI
design with scalable, lightweight, and customizable graphics. Start experimenting with SVGs
today and unlock a world of creative possibilities for your React Native apps!

Let’s discuss! Share your experiences with SVG icons in React Native and your creative uses
for them in the comments below. We can all learn from each other and explore the full potential
of this powerful technique

A Simple Redux Toolkit Tutorial

In the realm of React Native app development, managing application state, especially in
intricate projects, can become a labyrinthine maze. Redux Toolkit (RTK) emerges as a valiant
knight, offering a streamlined approach to state management within Redux. This tutorial equips
you with the knowledge and code examples to confidently leverage RTK for state control in your
complex React Native applications.

WhyRedux Toolkit? A Boon for Developers

Redux Toolkit streamlines Redux development by providing pre-built functions that simplify
common tasks. Let’s delve into the key benefits RTK offers

  • ReducedBoilerplate: RTK functions like createSlice eliminate the need for writing repetitive boilerplate code for slices, reducers, and actions. This translates to a more concise and maintainable codebase.
  • EnhancedType Safety: Type safety is crucial for catching errors early on. RTK, often used with TypeScript, ensures robust type checks throughout your Redux code, improving code quality and preventing runtime issues.
  • Simplified Asynchronous Operations: Asynchronous operations like API calls are frequently encountered in React Native apps. RTK’s createAsyncThunk simplifies the creation of Redux thunks, making handling asynchronous actions within the Redux dispatch flow a breeze.

Fundamental Components of RTK

Before we embark on the coding journey, let’s establish a solid foundation in the core building
blocks of RTK:

  • Slices: A conceptual unit in Redux that encapsulates a piece of application state, its reducers, and actions. RTK’s createSlice simplifies slice creation.
  • Reducers: Pure functions that take the current state and an action object as arguments. Their responsibility is to return the updated state based on the action’s type and payload.
  • Actions: Plain JavaScript objects that describe the intention of a state change. They typically contain a type property and an optional payload for data updates.
  • Thunks: Action creators that return a function instead of just an action object. Thunks allow for asynchronous operations like API calls within the Redux dispatch flow.

Implementing RTK in a React Native App: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s create a basic React Native application to manage a shopping list using RTK. We’ll focus
on adding and removing items from the list. Here’s a breakdown of the steps

  1. Project Setup
    • Create a new React Native project using npx react-native init shopping-list-app.
    • Install the required libraries: npm install @reduxjs/toolkit react-redux
  2. Creating the Redux Store:
    • Create a store.js file to set up the Redux store using RTK’s configureStore






itemId); //RemovetheitembyID

  • WeutilizecreateSlicetodefinetheslice, includingtheinitialstate,reducers,andaction creators.
  • Reducershandlestateupdatesforaddingandremovingitemsfromthelist.

CreateaShoppingList.jscomponent filetodisplayandmanagetheshoppinglist:

OTA (over-the-air) updates in React Native using CodePush

In the fast-paced world of mobile development, keeping your React Native app up-to-date is crucial. But traditional app store update cycles can be slow and disruptive. Enter CodePush, a revolutionary tool that allows you to deliver seamless, over-the-air (OTA) updates directly to your users’ devices without requiring app store submissions.

This blog post will equip you with the knowledge to leverage CodePush effectively in your React Native projects, enabling you to:

  • Simplify Updates: Deploy bug fixes, feature enhancements, and even UI changes directly to your users’ devices without the need for app store approvals. This translates to a more responsive development cycle and faster bug resolution.
  • Enhance User Experience: CodePush allows you to roll back updates in case of unforeseen issues, ensuring a smooth and positive experience for your users.
  • Control the Deployment Process: With CodePush, you can manage multiple deployment groups, allowing you to target specific sets of users for beta testing or staged rollouts before pushing updates to your entire user base.

Getting Started with CodePush in React Native

  • Set Up CodePush:
  • Prepare Your Updates:
    • Develop your app updates as usual. CodePush works with JavaScript code changes, so you can create new features, fix bugs, or modify your app’s UI without touching native code.
  • Create Deployments:
    • Use the App Center portal to create deployments for your updates. You can specify different deployment rings (development, staging, production) and configure rollout percentages for controlled releases.
  • Monitor and Manage:
    • Track deployment progress and user feedback within the App Center dashboard. You can also roll back updates if necessary, ensuring user satisfaction.

Code Example: Checking for Updates

This example demonstrates how to check for available updates using codePush.checkForUpdate and displays a button to download and install the update if available. You can customize the update dialog behavior using the updateDialog option.

Beyond the Basics: Advanced CodePush Techniques

  • Dynamic Updates: Leverage CodePush runtime updates to fetch and apply configuration changes on the fly without requiring a full app update, ideal for situations like A/B testing or personalized content delivery.
  • Code Signing: CodePush integrates seamlessly with Code signing processes, ensuring the integrity and security of your app updates.
  • Offline Updates: Enable offline updates by caching deployments locally, allowing users to access new features even when they don’t have an internet connection.

Embrace the Future of Updates with CodePush

By incorporating CodePush into your React Native development workflow, you can significantly streamline the update process, enhance user experience, and maintain a competitive edge in the app market. Start leveraging CodePush today and unlock the potential for smoother, more efficient app updates!

Supercharge Your Sign-Ups: Social Media Logins MadeEasy in React Native

In today’s mobile landscape, providing seamless user login options is crucial for app adoption
and user retention. React Native, with its cross-platform capabilities, empowers you to build
beautiful apps, but handling login across different platforms can be a challenge. Enter social
logins like Google, Facebook, and Apple Sign-in, offering a convenient and familiar way for
users to sign up or log in to your React Native app.
This blog post will guide you through implementing these popular social login options in your
React Native project, complete with code examples.

Benefits of Social Logins

  • Simplified User Experience: Users can leverage their existing social media accounts to sign in, eliminating the need to create new accounts and remember additional login credentials.
  • Increased Sign-up Rates: Social logins reduce friction points in the signup process, leading to higher user sign-up rates.
  • EnhancedUser Data: Depending on the platform’s permissions, you can potentially access valuable user data like profile information and email addresses, enriching your user profiles

Implementing Social Logins in React Native

1.Google Sign-in

SetUpGoogleDeveloper Console: Create a project in the Google Developer Console
( and enable the Google
Install Library: Install the @react-native-google-signin/google-signin library using npm or

In terminal
npm install @react-native-google-signin/google-signin

Configure Google Sign-in: Configure Google Sign-in with your OAuth client ID obtained
from the Google Developer Console. You’ll need separate client IDs for Android and iOS (if
applicable). Here’s an example:

import { GoogleSignin } from

webClientId: 'YOUR_WEB_CLIENT_ID',
androidClientId: 'YOUR_ANDROID_CLIENT_ID',
iosClientId: 'YOUR_IOS_CLIENT_ID',
scopes: ['profile', 'email'], // Request access to profile and email

Sign-in Flow: Implement a function to handle Google Sign-in using GoogleSignin.signIn().
This returns a Google Sign-in user object containing user information like ID, name, and

const handleGoogleSignIn = async () => {
try {
const userInfo = await GoogleSignin.signIn();
// Access user information from userInfo object
console.log('User signed in with Google:', userInfo);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error signing in with Google:', error);

2.Facebook Login

SetUpFacebookDeveloper Account: Create a Facebook developer account
( and create a new app.
Install Library: Install the react-native-fbsdk library using npm or yarn:

In terminal
npm install react-native-fbsdk

Configure Facebook Login: Configure the library with your Facebook App ID obtained from
the developer account. You’ll also need to configure Android and iOS settings following the
library’s documentation.
Flow: Utilize LoginManager.logInWithPermissions to initiate Facebook login.
Request the necessary permissions (e.g., public_profile, email) and handle the access token
to retrieve user information

import {
from 'react-native-fbsdk';
const handleFacebookSignIn = async() = >{
try {
const loginResult = await LoginManager.logInWithPermissions(['public_profile', 'email']);
if (!loginResult.isCancelled) {
const accessToken = await AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken();
// Access user information using the access token
console.log('User signed in with Facebook:', accessToken);
} catch(error) {
console.error('Error signing in with Facebook:', error);

3.Apple Sign-in (iOS Only)

SetUpAppleDeveloper Account: You’ll need an Apple Developer account with a valid
Apple Developer Program membership to enable Apple Sign-in.
EnableApple Sign-in: In your Xcode project capabilities, enable the Sign In with Apple
Install Library: While Apple Sign-in is a built-in framework, consider using a library like
react-native-apple-authentication for a more streamlined experience. Install it using npm or

In terminal
npm install react-native-apple-authentication

Sign-in Flow: Utilize the library’s functions like performRequest to initiate Apple Sign-in.
Specify the requested operation (AppleAuthRequestOperation.LOGIN) and scopes
(AppleAuthRequestScope.EMAIL, AppleAuthRequestScope.FULL_NAME) to request user
information. The library handles the native iOS interactions and returns the user information
through the response object.

import * as AppleAuth from 'react-native-apple-authentication';

const handleAppleSignIn = async () => {
try {
const appleAuthRequestResponse = await AppleAuth.performRequest({
requestedOperation: AppleAuth.Operation.LOGIN,
requestedScopes: [AppleAuth.Scope.EMAIL,
const { user, identityToken } = appleAuthRequestResponse;
// Access user information like user ID, name, and email (if
console.log('User signed in with Apple:', user, identityToken);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error signing in with Apple:', error);

Important Note: Apple Sign-in requires an iOS device for testing and development. You can
use TestFlight or a physical device to test this functionality.
Remember: Always refer to the official documentation for each library and platform for the latest
updates and detailed configuration instructions.


By integrating Google, Facebook, and Apple Sign-in (for iOS) into your React Native app, you
can significantly enhance the user login experience, improve sign-up rates, and potentially
enrich your user profiles with valuable data. With these powerful tools at your disposal, you can
create a more user-friendly and engaging app for your React Native audience

Enhancing Your React Native Apps with Smooth, Efficient Lottie Animations

In the realm of React Native app development, creating fluid and engaging animations often requires meticulous coding or leveraging third-party libraries. Enter Lottie, a revolutionary animation format that streamlines the process, empowering you to integrate stunning After Effects animations directly into your React Native projects.

What is Lottie?

Lottie is a remarkable animation interchange format that simplifies the animation workflow. It allows designers to craft expressive animations using Adobe After Effects and export them as JSON files. These JSON files, known as Lottie animations, are incredibly lightweight and versatile, seamlessly rendering across various platforms, including iOS, Android, and the web.

Key Advantages of Using Lottie for React Native

  • Simplified Animation Integration: Lottie eliminates the need for complex code-based animation creation. With Lottie, designers can take the reins, crafting animations in After Effects and exporting them for direct use in your React Native apps. This fosters seamless collaboration between designers and developers.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Lottie animations boast exceptional platform compatibility, rendering flawlessly on both iOS and Android devices without the need for platform-specific code. This translates to a more uniform user experience across different operating systems.
  • Lightweight and Efficient: Lottie animations excel in terms of file size, remaining remarkably compact despite their ability to convey intricate animations. This translates to faster loading times and improved app performance, a crucial factor in today’s mobile-centric world.
  • Rich Expressive Potential: Lottie animations are not limited to basic movements. They can incorporate vector graphics, shapes, images, and even text, allowing for the creation of highly engaging and visually captivating animations that elevate your application’s user interface.
  • Performance Optimization: Lottie offers built-in performance optimizations, such as hardware acceleration and on-demand loading. This ensures that even complex animations render smoothly without compromising your app’s overall performance.
  • Wide Community and Resources: Lottie enjoys a thriving community of developers and designers. Extensive documentation, tutorials, and a vast collection of pre-built animations are readily available, making it easier for you to get started and find the perfect animation for your needs.

Getting Started with Lottie in React Native

To leverage Lottie animations in your React Native project, you’ll need to install the lottie-react-native library using npm or yarn:

Once installed, you can import the LottieView component and render your Lottie animation within your React Native components:

In this example, require(‘./path/to/your/animation.json’) specifies the path to your Lottie animation JSON file. You can customize the component’s props to control animation behavior, such as setting autoPlay to true for automatic playback and loop to true for continuous looping.

Beyond the Basics: Advanced Lottie Techniques

Lottie offers a range of advanced capabilities to fine-tune your animations and tailor them to your specific project requirements:

  • Dynamic Property Control: Lottie animations allow you to dynamically control animation properties from within your React code using props like progress and colorFilters. This enables you to create interactive experiences where animations respond to user input or application state.
  • Markers and Event Listeners: Lottie supports markers that can be used to trigger events within your React code at specific points in the animation. This allows for more complex animation interactions and synchronization with other UI elements.
  • Customization with After Effects: While Lottie animations are exported as JSON, you can still leverage After Effects for advanced customization. You can modify animation colors, speeds, and even add interactivity elements within After Effects before exporting the updated JSON file.


By incorporating Lottie animations into your React Native projects, you can significantly enhance user engagement and create visually compelling interfaces. With their ease of use, cross-platform compatibility, and performance efficiency, Lottie animations represent a valuable tool for any React Native developer seeking to elevate the look and feel of their applications.

I hope this comprehensive guide empowers you to unlock the potential of Lottie animations in your React Native development endeavors!

Unveiling Laravel 11: A Deep Dive into Its Newest Features

1. Slim Skeleton

Laravel 11 introduced a much-anticipated change: the slim application skeleton. This revamp focuses on streamlining the application structure and configuration process, making development more efficient and enjoyable. Let’s delve into the key aspects of the slim skeleton
When you install a new Laravel project, the folder structure will look like this:

Previously, scattered configuration files populated the application structure. Laravel 11 consolidates this. Here’s an example of registering a service provider in bootstrap/app.php:

2.Config Files

By default in Laravel 11, you will see empty config folders. If you want to change the configuration, you can do it using the .env file. However, if you need to make changes to config files, you need to publish them using an artisan command.

Laravel 11 provides the following commands to publish config files.

Laravel Publish Single Config File:

You can run the following command to publish a single config file:

Now, you will have list of config files, choose one and it:

Laravel Publish All Config Files:

You can run the following command to publish all configuration files:

3.Direct tasks scheduling in routes/console.php

Scheduling tasks is now as simple as adding a few lines to your routes/console.php file, thanks to the new Schedule facade. No need for a console kernel anymore.

4.Helth-check endpoint

Laravel 11 introduces a new that allows you to perform various verifications of the different parts of your application and ensure everything is running smoothly.

The endpoint can be defined in bootstrap/app.php like so:

Whenever the endpoint is hit, a Illuminate\Foundation\Events\DiagnosingHealth event is dispatched.

5.Dumpable Trait

Laravel 11 introduces a new Dumpable trait. It is intended to replace the current dd() and dump() methods in most of the framework’s classes. Users and package authors can include this trait for easier code debugging.

Here is the usage example:

6.Optional API and broadcast route files

Not every app needs API and broadcasting capabilities out of the gate. Laravel 11 acknowledges this by not including api.php and channels.php route files by default. Laravel’s flexibility shines here, allowing you to add features only when you need them.

Gone are the default middleware classes

Gone are the days of a cluttered middleware folder. Laravel 11 has moved these middleware into the framework itself, letting you enjoy a cleaner application structure without losing the ability to customize middleware behavior from bootstrap/app.php.

7. Artisan’s New Toy: make:enum Command

Laravel 11’s Artisan CLI offers a make:enum command for swift enum creation. Here’s an example:


This generates an OrderStatus enum class with the specified options.

8. Cleaner Code: The once Method

The once method helps avoid redundant operations on collections. Here’s an example:

This ensures the processing logic executes only once for each unique user in the collection.

By incorporating these new features and exploring the Laravel documentation, you can leverage the power of Laravel 11 to build modern web applications efficiently. Remember, this is just a glimpse into the exciting world of Laravel 11. Keep exploring

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