Laravel Performance Optimization – 5 Tips to Make Laravel Faster!

Laravel is a web development framework that prioritizes elegant, expressive syntax and enjoyable experiences. The goal of Laravel is to simplify common tasks in web development, making the process more fulfilling. It features a fast routing engine, a robust dependency injection container, various storage options for sessions and caches, streamlined database schema migrations, efficient background job processing, and real-time event broadcasting.

According to recent studies, Laravel is used by over 40% of developers worldwide and is considered to be one of the top PHP frameworks. In order to ensure the best performance of Laravel websites, it is important to optimize the code and make use of caching, minification, and compression techniques. This will help in reducing the load time of the website, increasing its speed and overall performance, and providing a better user experience to visitors. In this article, we will go through our top 5 tips for laravel performance optimization. First off, let’s talk about why it’s important for developers to optimize performance of a laravel application. 

Laravel Performance Optimization: Why it is a Necessity?

Laravel has been known to be on par with other backend frameworks in terms of performance. However, low-performing Laravel websites can cause trouble in terms of business performance and revenue generation. A slow website can result in a high bounce rate, lower engagement, and decreased customer satisfaction. This can impact the overall performance of a business and result in a loss of potential revenue. That’s why Laravel performance optimization is a necessity in today’s fast-paced digital world. With the increasing competition and high expectations of customers, businesses must trust Laravel framework to build high-performing websites that provide a seamless and engaging user experience. Laravel’s robust architecture, built-in performance optimization tools, and customizable features make it an ideal choice for businesses looking to build websites that are fast, secure, and scalable. By relying on Laravel, businesses can ensure that their websites are optimized for performance and ready to handle the demands of the digital world.

Following are some reasons why businesses must take laravel performance optimization seriously:

  • Faster load times: Optimizing the performance of Laravel websites results in faster load times, which leads to improved user experience and reduced bounce rates.
  • Improved search engine ranking: Faster websites tend to rank higher in search engine results, which can increase visibility and drive more traffic to a site.
  • Increased engagement and customer satisfaction: A fast, responsive website that provides a seamless user experience can lead to increased engagement and customer satisfaction.
  • Better scalability: By optimizing the performance of Laravel websites, businesses can ensure that their sites are scalable and can handle increasing traffic and user demands.
  • Cost savings: Optimizing the performance of Laravel websites can reduce server costs and minimize downtime, leading to cost savings for businesses.
  • Increased security: Optimizing the performance of Laravel websites can help eliminate security vulnerabilities, making sites more secure and reducing the risk of cyber attacks.
  • Competitive advantage: By providing a fast, engaging, and seamless user experience, businesses can gain a competitive advantage over their rivals and attract more customers.

Laravel Performance: 5 Tips to Opimize and Make Laravel Websites Faster then Ever!

Laravel is naturally fast, but optimizing your configurations and code can further enhance its speed. This section offers a comprehensive collection of  our 5 laravel performance improvement tips, ranging from simple fixes to advanced techniques, to help you create a streamlined, high-performing Laravel application that meets your customers’ needs.

Tip #1. Use Caching

Laravel allows for caching of application routes, which is a crucial feature for applications with a large number of routes. Normally, Laravel reads all routes from the route files and converts them into an array every time the screen is refreshed or a request is made to the application.

However, Laravel has a convenient command, “php artisan route:cache”, that can be used to read all routes, convert them into an array, and cache them. It is important to remember to run this command whenever changes are made to the route files, otherwise, Laravel will continue to use the old cached routes and the new changes will not take effect. To clear the route cache, use the command “php artisan route:clear”.

Tip #2. Minimize Database Queries

This tip primarily targets optimizing memory usage when handling extensive database queries. If your application requires processing a large number of records, it’s recommended to retrieve and process them in smaller groups, rather than retrieving the entire set of queries all at once. 

Here are some tips to minimize database queries and improve memory usage:

Eager Loading:Use the “eager loading” feature in Laravel to load related data in a single query instead of multiple queries.

Use Indexes:Ensure that you have indexes on columns that are frequently used in WHERE and ORDER BY clauses.

Cache Query Results:Store the results of frequently used database queries in cache to avoid running the same query multiple times.

Use Eloquent Collections:Use Eloquent Collections to process large amounts of data instead of running multiple database queries.

Avoid N+1 Queries:Avoid the N+1 query problem by using eager loading or batch loading related data.

Use pagination:Instead of retrieving all records at once, retrieve them in smaller groups using Laravel’s built-in pagination functionality.

Optimize database schema:Ensure that your database schema is optimized for performance by using appropriate data types and indexing columns.

Tip#3: Use GZIP compression

Compressing data before it is sent from the server to the client can reduce the amount of data that needs to be transferred, improving the performance of Laravel websites.Gzip is a widely used data compression tool. Developers can setup Nginx to utilize gzip and compress the files it sends out in real-time. These files can then be decompressed by compatible browsers with no data loss and the added benefit of a reduced amount of information being transferred between the server and browser. Fortunately, compression support is common across all significant browsers, making it a viable option with no drawbacks.

Tip#4: Select Right Drivers

Optimizing application performance can be greatly influenced by selecting the appropriate cache, queue, and session drivers.

In production environments, utilizing in-memory cache drivers such as Redis, Memcached, or DynamoDB is recommended. Local filesystem caching may be an option for single-server setups, but it will likely have slower performance compared to the in-memory alternatives.

For queueing, it’s better to use the Redis, SQS, or Beanstalkd drivers. The database driver should be avoided in production as it has a history of deadlock issues.

As for sessions, the Database, Redis, Memcached, or DynamoDB drivers are recommended. The cookie driver should not be used in production due to its limitations in terms of file size and security.

Tip#5: Enhance Performance with Compression Headers for Text-based Format

Implementing compression headers can have a substantial effect on the performance of your application. Make sure to activate compression headers for text-based files such as CSS, JS, XML, or JSON on your web server or Content Delivery Network (CDN).

It is not necessary to compress image formats, as they are already compressed, with the exception of SVG files, which are XML documents.

To maximize performance, consider utilizing both gzip and brotli compression methods at the web server or CDN level. Keep in mind that brotli may not be supported by older browsers.

Typically, compression can reduce file size by approximately 80%.


In conclusion, optimizing the performance of your Laravel application is essential to delivering a seamless user experience and ensuring the success of your project. By following the five tips outlined in this blog post, you can greatly improve the speed and efficiency of your Laravel application. Whether you choose to implement caching, configure your server, optimize database queries, or take advantage of right drivers, the improvements you’ll see in the performance of your Laravel application are sure to impress. So take the time to optimize your Laravel application today, and enjoy the benefits of a faster, more efficient web application for years to come.

Top 5 Mistakes Laravel Developers Make and How to Rectify Them in 2023

Coding is an art that takes time and patience to master. Developers face numerous challenges and obstacles when writing code, including various syntax errors, bugs, and logical mistakes. Writing code is no silver bullet, and mistakes are bound to happen. What’s important is to learn from them and improve with each project. 

While Laravel is a powerful framework that enables developers to build robust and scalable web applications, it’s still common for developers to make mistakes. 

In this article, we’ll look at the top 5 mistakes that Laravel developers make and how to rectify them in 2023.

Mistake #1: Not removing/transferring development configurations & variables

One of the biggest mistakes that Laravel developers make is failing to remove or transfer development configurations and variables before deploying the application to a live server. When developing an application, developers often use different environments, including a development environment and a production environment. These environments have different configurations and variables, which can cause errors when deployed to a live server.

Solution: The solution to this problem is simple. Developers should ensure that they remove all development configurations and variables before deploying the application to a live server. Alternatively, developers can use a .env file to store environment variables that are different between environments. By doing so, they can ensure that the application works as intended on the live server.

Mistake #2: Not Creating a Backup of Code

Another common mistake developers make is not creating a backup of their code. This can be disastrous if the code is lost, or something goes wrong with the application. Developers must create a backup of their code to avoid the risk of losing everything.

Solution:Creating a backup of code is a simple process, and Laravel makes it even easier by providing built-in features to create backups. Developers can use the Artisan command line tool to create backups of their code, which can be used to restore the application to a previous state if something goes wrong. There are also many third-party tools available to automate the backup process, making it even easier for developers to protect their code.

Mistake #3. Not using Migration features

Laravel provides developers with the Migration feature that allows them to make changes to the database schema and keep track of those changes. Yet, many developers do not use this feature, which can lead to inconsistent and error-prone databases.

The Migration feature allows developers to write database changes in code and apply them to the database as required. This approach makes it easier to manage database changes, ensures consistency across the application, and reduces the risk of errors. By using the Migration feature, developers can also ensure that the database schema is in sync with the code and that the application works as intended.

Mistake #4: Using Only Single Route File to Handle All Requests

Many Laravel developers use one route file to handle all requests, which can lead to bloated and difficult-to-maintain code. As an application grows, the route file can become complex, making it difficult to add new features or modify existing ones.

Solution:Avoid the temptation to use the default route file for all routing requests. Instead, consider creating multiple route files, each with its own route prefix to separate routing logic and make it easier to maintain. For instance, you can have separate route files for admin and user routes. The process of creating multiple route files is straightforward, requiring just two steps:

  • First, create a new PHP file in the routes folder and add the routes. 
  • Next, register the route by informing the framework of the new route file, as there may not be a CLI command for this yet. Failure to register the new route file may result in the framework not recognizing it.

Mistake #5: Using Laravel Facade Outside of the Controllers and Middleware

The Laravel Facade is a powerful feature that allows developers to access objects through a static interface. However, many developers use the Facade outside of controllers and middleware, which can lead to code that is difficult to maintain and test.

Solution:The solution to this problem is to use the Facade only within controllers and middleware. By doing so, developers can ensure that the code is more manageable, testable, and maintainable. Moreover, it is recommended to use Dependency Injection in order to have better control over the code, make it more scalable, easier to write code tests and understand it. It is important to note that Laravel Facades are specific to the Laravel framework and should not be confused with the facade design pattern, nor should they be considered as static method usage.


Laravel framework was crafted for developers to help build scalable and high performant websites as quickly as possible. However, with the focus on quickly adding new features, it can be easy to overlook certain details, make certain mistakes, or lose sight of the bigger picture. In the above article, we have examined some common mistakes frequently made by laravel developers and suggests methods for avoiding them. This list can be beneficial even for seasoned laravel developers because even minuscule errors like not creating code backup can extend the development process to certain hours. And that’s not something, you would want to happen to your project. Would you?

If you are looking to hire talented laravel developers, please contact us from our contact page.  

Top Six Laravel Security Vulnerabilities and How to Fix them in 2023

As businesses continue to move their operations online, web application security has become more important than ever. The average cost of a data breach in 2021 was a staggering $4.24 million, according to a study by IBM. This highlights the importance of ensuring that your web application is secure and protected from cyberattacks.

No matter the framework your web application is built on, it can be vulnerable to attacks. However, some frameworks offer better security measures than others. Laravel, a popular PHP framework, is known for its robust security features. In fact, according to a study by Snyk, Laravel has the lowest percentage of security vulnerabilities among all major PHP frameworks.

Despite its strong security features, it’s still important to take additional steps to secure Laravel applications, especially for building enterprise applications that may hold sensitive data. This is where Laravel security tips come in handy. By following best practices for Laravel security, you can further strengthen your web application’s defense against potential cyberattacks.

In this blog, we’ll explore top six laravel security vulnerabilities and how to fix them by making your laravel web application secure. Whether you’re a developer working on a Laravel project or a business owner looking to ensure the security of your web application, this blog will provide valuable insights to help you protect your web application from potential security threats.

Laravel Security Vulnerabilties: Top Six Laravel Security Glitches along with Solutions

No matter how secure Laravel is, developers have found severe security glitches in the framework time and again. As the framework is constantly evolving, developers may not always be up-to-date with the latest security patches and features. Additionally, developers may not be familiar with best security practices or may not have enough time to implement them. 

Here’s why it’s important for developers to be aware about the laravel security vulnerabilities along with the solutions. In following points, let’s discuss some potential security vulnerabilities in laravel web applications along with the ways to handle them. 

Sensitive Data Exposure

One of the top three API Security threats listed by OWASP is excessive data exposure, which occurs when an API responds to a request with more data than necessary, often appearing as a design flaw. If an attacker finds a method that returns specific fields, they can access the data using an unprivileged account. These vulnerabilities can cause severe data breaches, such as leaking user information and legal liabilities.

However, you can avoid similar damages by following these practices:

  • Ensure that your entire application runs solely on HTTPS, with a TLS certificate, and HSTS headers to provide secure access for users.
  • Laravel provides excellent password security through an adaptive salted hashing function and supports Bcrypt and Argon2, which should be utilized.
  • Save time and effort by using Laravel’s built-in encryption functions to encrypt sensitive data that has already been stored.

Broken Authentication

Broken Authentication is a serious vulnerability that allows attackers to bypass the authentication mechanism of a web application, potentially granting them unauthorized access to sensitive information. Hackers can exploit broken authentication in a variety of ways, including intercepting HTTP requests that contain sensitive data transmitted over an unsecured protocol, exploiting the use of weak passwords, and using phishing tactics. This vulnerability is a serious issue in web applications, as attackers can gain access to millions of valid username and password combinations using various automated tools, such as credential stuffing, dictionary attacks, and automated brute force attacks, according to OWASP. 

Here’s how you can secure your laravel web application from broken authentication security vulnerability:

  • Prevent against session hijacking:It’s important to enable HTTPS for all requests as a measure that can prevent or defend against session hijacking in Laravel applications. By encrypting all HTTPS requests using TLS, the communication between client and server becomes secure and makes it difficult for anyone to steal session IDs.
  • Prevent against stolen login credentials: Stolen login credentials is a kind of vulnerability tactic when a hacker obtains the actual username and password of the victim. Like the previous example, attackers can use various methods and techniques to steal user login information. To prevent this, developers can rely on setting up a strong password policy that involves both uppercase and lowercase letters in passwords, as well as numbers and special characters. 

Broken Access Control

A Broken Access Control is a vulnerability that occurs when a user is granted access to areas of the web application they should not be able to access, potentially exposing sensitive information.

Ten years ago in 2011, Citigroup experienced a severe data breach in which hackers exploited the poorly managed data of over 200,000 customers. This incident highlights the importance of avoiding broken access control, as authorization checks are crucial and it is not sufficient to store customer data simply by changing digits in the URL. To prevent similar incidents, it’s essential to:

  • Implement authentication checks to verify the identity of users accessing their accounts while they are logged in.
  • Take advantage of Laravel’s Role-Based Access Control packages to manage user permissions.

Security misconfiguration

In the past, it was a common occurrence for unsecured AWS (Amazon Web Services) S3 buckets or Elasticsearch servers to be discovered, containing millions of customer details. This issue became so widespread that AWS eventually made S3 uploads private by default and issued explicit warnings if data was made public.

To minimize the risk of being exploited, it’s crucial to configure applications securely and keep them updated frequently. To achieve this, developers need to keep their server and library dependencies up to date, and disable all debugging output that might reveal details about the system or sensitive configuration values. Laravel offers a configuration setting that makes this process simple.

Cross-site Scripting (XSS)

Cross-site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a serious security vulnerability in web applications, including those built with Laravel. These attacks occur when an attacker injects malicious scripts or code into a web page, which then gets executed in the browser of a victim visiting that page. To prevent such attacks, Laravel offers a number of built-in features that can be leveraged by developers.

One approach is to use Laravel’s Blade template engine, which automatically escapes all output by default, preventing the injection of untrusted data into the page. Developers can also use Laravel’s input validation features to sanitize user input and prevent the inclusion of dangerous code. Additionally, Laravel provides the ability to set Content Security Policy (CSP) headers, which can limit the execution of scripts to only trusted sources. This helps prevent attackers from executing their own scripts on the page.

Another useful tool in preventing XSS attacks is the use of HTTP-only cookies. These are cookies that are set to be accessible only through HTTP, preventing JavaScript from accessing them. By using HTTP-only cookies, developers can prevent attackers from stealing sensitive session information or authentication tokens.

Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

This vulnerability occurs when a web application does not log important security events, making it difficult to detect and respond to potential security breaches. To protect against Insufficient Logging and Monitoring attacks, it is important to establish effective logging and monitoring mechanisms. All actions and events in the application, such as login attempts, data modifications, and system errors, should be logged and stored securely in real-time to enable quick detection and response to any suspicious activity. Additionally, intrusion detection and prevention systems should be put in place to actively monitor network traffic and block any potential attacks. Regular audits and vulnerability assessments can also help identify and address security gaps. Finally, all security incidents and breaches should be fully documented and analyzed to determine the root cause and prevent future incidents. By taking a comprehensive and proactive approach to logging and monitoring, Laravel web applications can better defend against Insufficient Logging and Monitoring attacks.


In conclusion, Laravel is a popular and powerful web application framework, but it’s not immune to security vulnerabilities. As we discussed, there are six major security vulnerabilities in Laravel web applications, including sensitive data exposure, broken authentication, broken access control, security misconfiguration, cross-site scripting (XSS), and insufficient logging and monitoring. However, with the right measures and best practices, these vulnerabilities can be mitigated or even eliminated. By keeping the application updated, securing passwords and sessions, implementing proper logging and monitoring, and conducting regular security audits, Laravel web applications can be well-protected and secured in 2023 and beyond. It’s important to take these security vulnerabilities seriously and stay vigilant to ensure that your web application is secure and protected from potential attacks.

Exploring the Trending Features of Laravel: Empowering Modern Web Development

Laravel, one of the most popular PHP frameworks, has consistently evolved over the years to provide developers with a rich set of tools and features for building robust and scalable web applications. With each new release, Laravel introduces exciting features that streamline development, enhance performance, and promote best practices. In this blog post, we will explore some of the trending features of Laravel that are making waves in the web development community.

  1. Laravel Livewire:

Laravel Livewire has gained significant popularity among developers due to its ability to build dynamic and reactive interfaces using server-side rendering techniques. With Livewire, you can create interactive components and handle user actions without writing a single line of JavaScript. This feature enables developers to build modern and responsive UIs while leveraging the simplicity and power of Laravel’s syntax.

  1. Laravel Jetstream:

Laravel Jetstream, a beautifully designed application scaffolding, provides a starting point for Laravel projects with built-in authentication, two-factor authentication, and team management. It offers two stacks: Livewire and Inertia.js. The Livewire stack focuses on server-side rendering, while the Inertia.js stack combines the best of both server-side and client-side rendering, making it easier to build dynamic and fluid interfaces.

  1. Laravel Sanctum:

API authentication and security are crucial aspects of modern web development. Laravel Sanctum simplifies the process of authenticating API requests for single-page applications (SPAs), mobile applications, and token-based APIs. It provides a lightweight and easy-to-use package for issuing API tokens and authenticating users using Laravel’s built-in authentication system.

  1. Laravel Fortify:

Building authentication and password reset functionality is a common requirement for many web applications. Laravel Fortify offers a simple and customizable authentication backend that speeds up the development process. It provides pre-built controllers, views, and features like two-factor authentication, session management, and account lockdowns, allowing developers to focus on building the core features of their application.

  1. Laravel Telescope:

Debugging and monitoring application performance is essential for maintaining a healthy codebase. Laravel Telescope is a powerful debugging and introspection tool that helps developers gain insights into the requests, exceptions, and performance of their Laravel applications. It provides a beautiful UI for exploring the application’s internals, examining queries, analyzing cache usage, and profiling performance, making it easier to optimize code and identify potential bottlenecks.

  1. Laravel Horizon:

Scaling and managing queues can be challenging in high-traffic applications. Laravel Horizon simplifies the process by providing a robust dashboard and supervisor process for monitoring and managing queues in real-time. It allows you to define queue priorities, set worker concurrency, and monitor key metrics, enabling seamless scaling and optimization of background jobs.


Laravel continues to stay ahead of the curve by introducing innovative features and tools that empower developers to build modern, efficient, and scalable web applications. In this blog post, we’ve explored some of the trending features of Laravel, including Livewire, Jetstream, Sanctum, Fortify, Telescope, and Horizon. These features enhance developer productivity, simplify complex tasks, and promote best practices in web development. By leveraging the power of Laravel’s ecosystem, developers can create exceptional applications with ease. Stay tuned for future releases as Laravel continues to evolve and bring even more exciting features to the table. Happy coding!

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