How to Hire Laravel Developers – A comprehensive guide

So what’s the best way to hire Laravel developers? Finding out what Laravel php experts can bring to your table is always considered as the most sought-after way to hire them, but there are several other factors to consider before hiring.

As a business owner, keeping up with these factors is important as not every php developer is well-versed with laravel. That’s why we’ve written this in-depth article, which will help you to find most-talented Laravel developers without risk.

Before we go any further, let’s quickly define what Laravel developers are.

What are Laravel Developers?

Laravel developers are persons who know how to build web applications with php laravel framework. If you hire the right ones, they can help you build scalable web applications in a given time frame.

Following are some excellent factors to consider when hiring Laravel developers:

  • Great Laravel programmers know the basics of HTML, CSS, and JQuery.
  • These persons know the ins and outs of Object-oriented programming and PHP.
  • Expert Laravel developers have the capability to include support for different languages in the apps.
  • Most of them are well-versed with Artisan, a command line interface that speeds up the Laravel development process by removing the redundant tasks.
  • These experts can integrate premium features in a web application using built-in object-oriented libraries.
  • They can implement authentication and authorization in web applications without any trouble.
  • They can utilize a wide range of templates to create dynamic layouts and interfaces.
  • They hold expertise to leverage the Laravel schema builder for creating database columns, tables, and indices.

Where to Hire Laravel Developers?

Before hiring Laravel php developers, you’d want to consider evaluating your specific project needs. But first, let’s cover where you can find Laravel developers. Some of the best places to look include[but are not limited to]:

1. IT Job Boards

Job Boards are a great place to outsource talented Laravel developers. Generally, most Job boards carry all the information about the candidates in their database, which saves you a lot of time researching them.

Some popular Job Boards for Laravel freelancers include:

  • Freelancer
  • Upwork
  • Clutch
  • Glassdoor
  • Craigslist
  • Monster
  • GitHub Jobs
  • Guru
  • People Per Hour
  • Toptal
  • Hired

While most of the boards or job websites mentioned above require registration, they are worth considering as most candidates look for opportunities there.

2. Social Media

Social media can play a huge role in evaluating talented professionals and hiring them. If you’re looking for some of the best SEO freelancers, make sure to watch over platforms like:

  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Reddit
  • Facebook

As a thumb rule, make sure to search with a relevant hashtag like #laraveldevelopers or #phpdevelopers when you post for the need of laravel developers.

In case you are searching on Linkedin, make sure to go through their profile, portfolio, testimonials of people they previously worked with, and skills. The best practice here includes sending them inmails or messages using Linkedin premium or by sending out connection requests.

3. Ask Google

Most Laravel developers showcase their skills through their personal projects or websites, and if they practice what they preach, you’d be able to find out the right ones just by Googling. If you want to hire the ones that are based on your location, just type in “Laravel developers + [location]” to pull up the best results.

For instance, if you want to search for Laravel developers in Eu region, consider googling “Laravel Developers Europe”.

4. Laravel development companies

Another way of searching for talented Laravel developers is to look for Laravel development services. Various companies offer vetted Laravel Developers to companies so that they don’t have to hire them individually. For instance, at CoderScotch, we offer talented Laravel developers as clients need them – from full time to dedicated development team.

You can look for these companies on vendor listing websites such as Clutch, Goodfirms, n-ix, the manifest, etc.

How to Hire Top Laravel Developers?

Hiring top Laravel developers can be a tricky business. For one, most of the Laravel developers are self-taught and one way of evaluating their skills is through their portfolio. Secondly, php development and specifically Laravel development is continuously going through various upgrades and additions, so knowing which Laravel developers keep up with the changing landscape can be difficult.

So how can you make sure to hire top laravel developers?

Here are a few tips:

Evaluate your Project-specific needs

The first step to hiring the right Laravel developer for you is to determine the project-specific needs beforehand. Are you hiring for the long-term or short term? What is your budget?

What kinds of projects are you looking to get built?

In a nutshell, it’s always recommended to hire professionals as per your interest, turnaround time, budget, and skills.

Check their Skills and Expertise

As already mentioned in this article, look for developers who are experts in PHP programming language and HTML. Every Laravel developer worth their salt has a track-record that proves their knowledge and skill.

So how do you check their skills and expertise?

  • Evaluate if they have done any projects based on php or laravel
  • Visit their website
  • Ask for reference from your network or past clients
  • Read reviews on their website

Hire Remote

Ever since the coronavirus pandemic broke, the world has gone remote. And this trend will continue to rise as there are many long-term benefits like less expenses, greater control, and more productivity.

A remote laravel programmer is someone who will work on laravel projects remotely or from any part of the country or world. The thing with remote developers is: they charge less than in-house developers. Besides, remote developers are mostly suited for mid to long-range projects. When you consider hiring Laravel developers remotely, you get more chances to increase your revenue.

At CoderScotch, we offer remote Laravel developers that can work on your project tirelessly.

Why Consider CoderScotch for your Laravel development needs?

With this guide, we hope now you’re aware of tips on hiring Laravel developers. CoderScotch is an application development company that’s focused on offering remote laravel developers so that you need not hire them separately. Here are some points that makes CoderScotch devs worth consider for your project needs:

  • Global Clientele – As a leading Laravel development company, we have worked with clients from all over the world.
  • Work commitment- For us, commitment is not just a saying. It’s our action that defines what we say we are going to do.
  • On time delivery– Delivering the deliverables on time is not easy but we make it possible with clean code, timely sprints, and contingency plans.
  • Affordable solutions- We believe no business is small or large, so we offer customizable solutions in all sizes.
  • Best-in class support– Our clients believe in us because we support them throughout their journey and vision.

If you’re looking to hire top laravel developers, consider reaching us through our contact-us form.

Leading Laravel Development Company in (2024)

Unleash the power of top php development framework, Laravel, to build fast, secure, and scalable web applications. Partner with CoderScotch in Europe to digitize your business.


Leverage the scalability of a framework that holds a whopping 8% market share. Trust CoderScotch to build faster, secure, and scalable applications with Laravel.

Scale Fast. Grow Faster.

At CoderScotch, our expert developers are well-versed with the Laravel php framework. If you are based in Europe, you can bank on our expertise to build scalable Laravel-based web applications. Over the years, we have had the experience and skills of building web applications for a variety of industries, but education and ecommerce are our strong exposure. 

Our Premium Laravel Development Services

We are renowned for offering top-class Laravel development services in Europe. Our Laravel experts are skilled in MVC architecture, Ajax proficiency, and built-in Laravel CLI tools. As a top Laravel development company, we help our clients solve their challenges and build scalable web apps and software solutions. What’s more, we hold the capability and skills to build your project from scratch or work on its maintenance and support. 

Laravel Enterprise Development

Unleash the state-of-the-art tools of Laravel framework to build enterprise applications that scale and help you prosper as you grow. 

Laravel RESTful API Development

Bank on CoderScotch’s team to build RESTful solutions with the help of Laravel API generator packages and let your business expand globally. 

Laravel CRM Development

Develop fully-functional and secure CRM softwares with Laravel framework to enable your sales pipeline and witness unprecedented growth. 

Laravel eCommerce Development

Harness the robustness and security of Laravel to build eCommerce web applications with intuitive user experience, great performance, and enhanced security. 

Laravel Maintenance and Support

Continuously innovate and scale with our Laravel maintenance/ support services to address underperforming issues and troubleshooting security challenges.

Our Web Application Development Process

We execute sprint-based Agile Development.

01. Analysis

Requirement analysis is the first step of our process. Ideally, we start by laying the first stone by understanding your business needs and challenges. This also includes evaluating project features, story-boarding the idea, and establishing the right team.

02. Design

Our design team will construct low-fidelity wire-frames to showcase the user workflow of your project. Our wire-frames are enough to give you an idea of how the project would look like. Our design process focuses on fixing the problems early on and with few user clicks.

03. Develop

Our coders will be involved in your project. They work within sprints where each sprint starts on day 1 and ends on day X. We bring the right mix of the tech stacks and engineers to chalk-out the scalable architecture for your project.

04. Test & Deliver

We believe in vigorous testing rather than unearthing the smaller bugs at a time. Our application testers will ensure that your project is working properly and your users will use it without any hesitation.

Why Choose CoderScotch over others?

At CoderScotch, we don’t believe and work with a typical outsourcing company mindset. A majority of IT outsourcing companies overinvest their resources, only to make the billing cycle look bigger in the longer run. We, on the other hand, are willing to maintain harmony and transparency for every resource and investment we make for you. Our strict adherence to confidentiality, security, and identity are what makes us different from other companies. 

  • Scalable recruitment process: We choose and vet developers on the basis of their skills, not identity. We hire and train resources in-house so that you can focus on your business. 
  • Certified Laravel developers:Our Laravel developers are people who have good experience and certification required for building web applications. 
  • Dedicated Project manager: We believe in 100% transparency, hence we incorporate a customer success manager dedicated to your project completely. 
  • Client Satisfaction:When our clients work with us, they tend to stick with us even in the future. We have a good client satisfaction rate. 

Solutions for Diverse Industries

Our proven experience, skills, and expertise with our clients made us offer tailored solutions to help them overcome industry-specific challenges.


Can Laravel be used to build web applications that scale?

Yes, Laravel is a scalable framework. It possesses built-in support for cloud-storage, caching, and session drivers. What’s more, it comes with a robust and highly secure structure for API building. Here’s why Laravel can assist developers building enterprise-based web applications. 

Will I be charged for using the Laravel framework on my Project?

No, Laravel is a Free and Open-source framework. There’s almost negligible restrictions for using the best of in-built features of Laravel. Since it’s open-source, you can use it for your project with no additional licensing costs. 

Is the Laravel framework secure?

Since the development community of Laravel is large and active, any security issue that compromises the confidentiality of the project can be solved within a few hours. Just like every trusted framework, Laravel has a complete documentation for security implementation and best practices. 

What is the difference between PHP and Laravel?

PHP is a server-side scripting library and Laravel is a php-based backend framework. 

What is the average time taken by CoderScotch devs to build web applications with Laravel?

Honestly, it’s completely dependent on Project complexity and number of features to work upon. Our Laravel developers work within sprints to complete projects as quickly as possible.

Do you have a project or need consultations? Click Here

The Role of Technology in E-learning Web App Development

They say learning is continuous but in the real sense, learning has to be consistent. That’s how we keep up with the increasing demands from employers and society in general. From a time, where there was a particular timing associated with learning, we have come to a phase in education, where we have outgrown the concept of time in learning. Today, you can come back home and learn what you’ve missed understanding in your class or dedicate time to learning something totally unrelated to your academics for your personal interests.

Though a cliché, technology has indeed paved the way for convenient learning, where we are no longer required to be confined to physical spaces or timelines to learn new things and take steps towards being educated. The gap has been bridged to a great extent by technology. In fact, it has tremendously shaped the e-learning industry, where new avenues to learn, apply and grow have popped up across the globe.

If you didn’t know, the global worth of the e-learning industry is anticipated tohit $325bn by the year 2025. Over 77% of the institutions in the US had deployed e-learning practices in the year 2017 and over 98% plan to incorporate by 2020. By making learning fun and the time spent on learning new concepts meaningful, e-learning has increased the retention rates of students and aspirants by 60%.

Besides, the E-learning industry is one of the ripest markets today. There has been a 900% growth in the onset of e-learning companies from 2001 to 2017. Today, some of the most crucial courses that define employability for today and tomorrow are offered by online institutions while universities and offline schools are either trying to partner with course providers or figuring out ways to incorporate them into their curriculum.

Concepts like artificial intelligence, machine learning, programming, business intelligence, cybersecurity, blockchain and more are hot courses today and these are all offsprings of the e-learning industry. But how did the industry become what it is today? What were some of the most significant milestones in its timeline? Let’s find out.


The Evolution of the E-Learning Industry

No transformation has ever happened overnight. If we could use our smartphones to watch YouTube videos, it’s because of the countless years spent on improving everything that’s associated with this delivery. The progress in e-learning has also been because of several baby-step approaches. A trivia about this industry, the word e-learning was first used in 1999 at a  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy seminar. Ever since the coining of this term, several changes have come and gone to make e-learning what it is today.

Distance Education

One of the earliest concepts of e-learning was distance education, where you could learn subjects without actually visiting a college or school. All the study materials you would need would be sent to you via mail to your residence and you were needed to pay for the education in the same way. When it came to exams, you had to pay the fees and get your passes or hall tickets for the exams and head to the nearest official examination center to give your exam.  

The PC Factor

The rise of personal computers digitized the entire process of distance education. While you were sent physical copies of books via mail before PCs, you were offered compact discs and pdfs as study materials with the evolution of computers. Education became a lot more visual and interesting in the digitization process. This was also the time powerpoint presentations were made to make classes more interactive and engaging. Remember?

The Onset Of E-Learning Tools

The time between 2006 and 2010 was the era of diversification and innovation in e-learning. Moving away from the use of CDs and texts of course materials, this timeline saw the rise of several e-learning tools, which went on to revolutionize learning forever. With the internet gaining popularity fast and computers becoming increasingly accessible at that time, anyone with coding knowledge was able to make learning tools. There were also the introductions of other forms of learning through podcasts, videos and dedicated learning software to make the entire process meaningful.

Some of the notable innovations in this era included:

  • Cloud computing
  • Digital libraries
  • Gamification in learning
  • Online videos
  • Mobile learning
  • eBooks and more


From 2011

The dawn of the decade brought in further changes and innovations to the e-learning industry. The internet became faster and computers became cheaper. Geographical and language challenges were no longer hampering learning but were overcome seamlessly with tech. From recorded online videos, e-learning implemented live seminars, workshops or classes for students to learn from wherever they are. Dedicated and optimized software applications also allowed students to get recordings of their live classrooms to help them catch up with courses when they missed. Live interaction with tutors, offline support, forums and communities all developed simultaneously to foster a healthy environment for learning. Today, there are apps that give you access to countless hours of content on any topic of your choice. From learning reiki to swimming online, you could find a course of your choice.

The Role Of Tech In Optimizing E-Learning

The e-learning industry could not have become so disruptive if it weren’t for the advancing technology. Ever since the first generation of computers and the concept of connected computers hit the market, e-learning has been consistently adapting to newer trends to further diminish the challenges in learning. Some of the most crucial advantages of technology in e-learning has been on

Reducing the costs involved in learning 

From having to travel miles to reach the nearest university to being able to afford courses, e-learning has allowed both institutions and aspirants to save money on learning expenses.

Making education accessible

Like we shared earlier, languages and geographical limits were no longer barriers in education. Staying in a suburb in India, you could study from an institution in London your preferred course on machine learning today and get to interact directly with the professors there.

Making learning more entertaining 

Retention was a major problem with distance education, as you couldn’t track people who wouldn’t show up or complete the course. But today, data analytics allows course providers to check if students are progressing in their learning and even base their certifications on the number of hours clocked apart from other factors.

The Rise of E-Learning Web Apps

The simultaneous growth of web development has further enhanced the delivery of e-learning modules and courses to students. 

A wide range of tech stacks like  Angularjs, Nodejs, and Reactjs have a variety of use-cases that can be incorporated to build such e-learning web applications. For businesses, this is the ideal time to venture into the e-learning scene as developing a web-based e-learning application is easier like never before. 

While helping you cut down on development costs, web apps allow you to offer your students the experience of native apps on their laptops or computers. 

These apps have all the functionalities of a mobile app and act as a better way to foster education and learning when compared to their mobile counterparts. 

The Common Features of E-Learning Web Applications

Whether it be about building a dashboard, course, training management system, or learning management system, an e-Learning web application will have following core features: 

Authentication and user profile.

  • Authentication and user profile.
  • Filtering system
  • Dashboard
  • Course page
  • Payment systems
  • Course adding page (for tutors)
  • Notifications and reminders
  • Admin panel

Personalized Learning And Recommendation Engines

What if you could utilize the philosophy of Netflix and apply that to learning? Well, personalized learning and recommendation engines are designed to do just that. While generic learning modules are ideal for courses like personal development, business etiquette, languages and more, there has to be a more substantial teaching methodology in place if you really want to specialize in a specific field. For niche industries and job profiles, personalization of learning is key.

This is where disruptive technologies of today like Big Data, analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence and more come into action. To personalize learning, you need data. This data is both the learning pattern of one learner and thousands of other learners. As the machine learning algorithm learns about the learning patterns, behaviors and preferences from one and many users, it consistently gets a better idea about what students need to learn to make their session more impactful.

This is when the tasks associated with recommendation engines get triggered. These algorithms can gauge a student’s strengths and weaknesses in his or her course and recommend a learning path accordingly. If a student is weak on probability but good at trigonometry, the student will be shown more videos and exercises on probability. This way, tutors can also personally assess the skills of individual students and gradually move away from a one-size-fits-all approach to learning. This will also allow students to learn at their own pace without being pressured by their peers.

Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR)

Technologies like AR and VR have been tremendously underutilized. It is only now that there seems to be a renaissance of sorts happening in this field. In the coming years, these technologies are aiming to bridge the gap between digital and reality by allowing students to experience immersive learning. With apps and wearables, students can deep-dive into the structure of an atom and understand in-depth about it, visit an automobile factory to witness how various parts are manufactured and the science behind them, understand geography and history better and more. It will be interesting to see how e-learning leverages the potential of these technologies to deliver futuristic education.


With e-learning, robotics is no longer confined to premier institutions. The world is increasingly waking up to the fact that coding and robotics are inevitable skills needed for the future. That’s why kids as young as 10-year-olds get hands-on training on coding and robotics. Today, there are educational robots that allow students to understand coding concepts and solve real-world issues in their lives with technology. While making learning fun, this has allowed the learning of complex concepts like functions and algorithms fun for aspirants.


While we are at one of the most exciting phases of human evolution, it is still interesting to see what tech brings to e-learning this decade. With some of the pointers we’ve mentioned already becoming mainstream, we should wait and witness the impact and quality of education they create. These approaches are also geared towards making students more employable and self-sustainable. What do you think?

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