Golden Eye

School Management System to help schools faculty manage redundant data. Multiple User Types, Chat, Reports, Attendances, Timesheet, and many more features.

  • Laravel
  • PHP

123 Online Courses

It’s an online e-learning platform for caregivers. Caregivers can see a full series of lessons and get certificates after course completion.

  • Laravel
  • PHP


Freelancer platform that offers services like Plumbing, Haircutting, Car repairs, Grass installations, and many more.

  • Vue js
  • node js


Online Bag Selling website. You can browse different ranges of bags based on your requirements and pay online.

  • Laravel
  • MySQL

Job Catcher

Rebuilt Job Portal from scratch as per customer’s requirements and added new features.

  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • MySQL
  • Angular
  • HTML
  • Adobe XD
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